-Bonus- Terrain Generator Desert Edition
Wanna learn two ways of making your own sand dunes landscape? are you looking for two androids?
Here is a quick video tutorial showing you two easy beginner ways on how to achieve this task. One of the methods makes use of the terrain generator file i´ve had upload some time ago ( You can find the video and the download link searching around my channel ). Feel lazy and 5 minutes video is too much time wasted? (how you dare) then you are lucky, go directly to the link and donwload the ready made desert file with a basic sand shader in it. ( Anakin Skywalker hates this file )
again video glitches strikes back again, i´m that lucky.
On the second way of making dunes with the wave modifier, there´s a nasty glitch when freezing the " best settings for the wave modifier" wich makes the screen go flipping and then cutting it really fast, sorry guys, do not have enough time to redo and export again, be quick and pause it if you need to.
2 scenes ready + the terrrain generator+ basic sand shader+basic sky...don´t worry, there is no real sand to wipe from your foot