Free Procedural Terrain Generator Blender File
( Warning! Be careful at opening it as i don´t know how much power your Pc check or uncheck things like ambient occlusion, reflections or subdivisions before running to the render view and see how your pc behaves)
Here goes another freebie, like I mentioned in the teaser on my youtube channel, was a no sense having a tutorial and not sharing the file to play with ( Honestly thought it was deleted) Thankfully found it and improved with better shaders and some extras so you can start generating endless terrain fly overs just by opening the file.
If you already know how things works inside Blender you can jump straight to the download links...if you are starting, i recommend to watch the video guide in this video so you get an idea of what´s happening in the blender file and how to take the most of it.
As always, it´s a pleasure to help giving tips and freebies to the creative people out there, but if you think the stuff i do deserves some love and appreciation feel free to drop a pay what you want tip for my coffe vault so i can fuel my brain for the next fancy procedural thing.
is that a plane? is a bird?´s you flying over endless landscapes